JANE Wants to Help You Publish!

JANE Wants to Help You Publish!

If you are a health sciences student/practitioner with a paper you want to publish, you might face some indecision about where to publish it.  JANE is an online tool designed to help you with this. All you have to do is feed in the title/abstract of the paper in the box, and click “Find Journals”. JANE matches your document to a host of other documents in PubMed to give you the best match for journals that may accept your paper. All journals found in PubMed are included in JANE. This includes all authors with one or more publications in the…
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Research Methodology Workshops- An Essential Need

Research Methodology Workshops- An Essential Need

Shrivastava M, Shah N, Navaid S. Assessment of change in knowledge about research methods among delegates attending research methodology workshop. Perspect Clin Res 2018;9:83-90. A medical student or a practitioner in this age needs to be aware of current practices in the field. Evidence –based medicine is the word of the hour in health practice. It requires updated, measured use of current evidence to form informed clinical decisions. Medical research is an essential component of evidence based medicine. For research to be thorough, a proper methodology has to be in place. Drs. Manisha Shrivastava, Nehal Shah, Seema Navaid address this…
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The Google Knowledge Graph- Trivia

When you type in a query like “Famous surgeons in India” in the Google Search box, you see a picture carousel of several surgeons, followed by a host of relevant search results. Have you wondered how this works? We broadly know about terms like result ranking, search engine optimization and more. But let us understand this better. Let us learn about the "Google Knowledge Graph". If you are someone who enjoys exploring new ways to search and looking for things online, you should definitely understand this Google Knowledge Graph is Google’s way of putting facts, faces, and places together as…
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