R Agarwal MD, J Kalita DM, UK Misra DM
Barriers to evidence based medicine practice in South Asia and possible solutions
Neurology Asia 2008; 13: 87-94
The authors mention that teaching the practice of Evidence Based Medicine is practically non-existent in our medical curriculum, due to various barriers. Bridging these barriers involves effective teaching of skills of evidence-based medicine during residency, motivating established clinicians, increasing the accessibility to internet, and several other approaches. Even if a busy clinician recognizes and agrees with evidence-based practice, the literature applicable to the patient is not easily accessible and facilities for making literature searches may not be available at hand. The basic essentials of EBM is literature search which demands time devoted to reading, a precious commodity for our practitioners. Introducing courses on literature searching and critical appraisal at the beginning of residency and integrating them into clinical training are strongly recommended. An effort must be made to ensure that interlibrary loans are very efficient; the role of librarian as a team member in the EBM training process should be enhanced.
Our Foundation heartily agrees with these points and look forward to hearing from like minded health professionals to join hands with us in taking things ahead in this direction!
Appeared in QMedCONNECT, Vol 2, Issue 4, Apr 2009