PubMed has a “Journal Database” (you will find the link on the lower half of the PubMed homepage) that helps you find information about Journals. You can find out about journals in a specialty or about one specific journal. To find out information about journals, enter your specialty (eg – Pediatrics) in the Journals Database search box and search. You can limit your search by clicking Limits and selecting “English language” and “Currently indexed in Medline” to restrict your search. To find information about a specific title, enter the title in quotes. You will get details about the journal’s ISSN (useful for subscription orders), the website, the publisher, the correct full title and the correct abbreviation. If you click a link called “NLM ID” at the end of each journal’s record, you will get still more details like “from which year the journal is indexed in PubMed”, any alternate titles for the journals and more.
If you wish to wish to search PubMed for all articles in a specific journal, locate the correct full title or title abbreviation of the journal from the Journals database. Then, in the main PubMed database, enter either of these (correct full or abbreviated title) in quotes, followed by [jour]. Example – “The New England Journal of Medicine”[jour] or “N Engl J Med”[jour], or “Circulation”[jour]
Appeared in Volume 3 Issue 09 of QMedConnect