Research methodology teaching for undergraduate medical students – an interesting project

Research methodology teaching for undergraduate medical students – an interesting project

Development and implementation of a competency-based module for teaching research methodology to medical undergraduates. Patra S, Khan AM J Educ Health Promot. 2019 Aug 30;8:164 PMID:31544129 The authors did this study as a part of a FAIMER fellowship program (CMCL-FAIMER). It aimed to develop and carry out a "competency-based research methodology" training module for undergraduate students  and get the students' feedback on this. It was carried out in the Community Medicine Department, for 25 students in their 4th semester . The study was done in the year 2017. This group of 25 students were made to work in groups under…
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Finding and Using Health Statistics

Finding and Using Health Statistics

Statistics? Oh no! If you just said that - you are one of a large number of medicos :) There is a joke that most medicos became medicos in order to run away from Maths and then end up being forced to learn Statistics! Setting jokes aside, guess what we found? This is a simple tutorial on the US National Library of Medicine's website. While it is (obviously) related to the US resources and more, we could still learn a lot from here and then find our own data sources. Maybe we could push for creating some! So learn about…
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Medical research: is it done correctly?

Medical research: is it done correctly?

A lot of discussions happen about medical research in India. About how we do not have a conducive environment / encouragement and more. I am not commenting on any of the earlier discussions. I would like to stress on one activity in medical research that is most often not done right. It concerns me on a continuous basis. That activity is "Literature searching" While searching the literature, most "Google". Often when I ask people how they do a literature search in PubMed (or other databases) they say "we type in keywords and search". They say it in a tone that…
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