It was a precise, practical, engaging and flawless presentation. Though initially it seemed too basic to some of the participants (Oh I know all this ! attitude), by halfway almost every single participant was taking notes (inspite of knowing they would have access to the presentation). The entire group was in singular attention to every deliberate word you said. We were also able to sync the PPT projection here effortlessly due to the apt slides and your “the next slide shows” prompting. Your video projection was also good. The background was not disturbing and there was no sudden body movements (as there is a small lag when we see your image Vs when it occurs there). Less than 1 % of the presentation had loss of transmission (it is very likely to be due to bandwidth issue).
Skype sessions were not a favoured mode (when we reviewed the participants feedback) due to some connectivity and clarity problems in the last 2 sessions in September and October. Thank you for changing that perception also amongst the participants. Everyone appreciated the beauty and convenience of a Skype presentation.