Ayurveda, evidence-base and scientific rigor

Ayurveda, evidence-base and scientific rigor

Patwardhan B. Ayurveda, evidence-base and scientific rigor. J Ayurveda Integr Med 2010;1:169-70 A very interesting and thought provoking article on the importance of Ayurvedic research, with a focus on the need to adopt intercultural standards for research, for the appropriate methodology and protocols. The author stresses that doing research based completely on methods in modern science will not work; Ayurveda does need certain adaptations, based on the very nature of its traditional bases. As Editor in Chief of the Journal, he stresses that every effort will be made, to guide authors to submit articles with scientific rigor; and there is…
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PubMed, writing and research.

PubMed, writing and research.

Jankharia B. PubMed, writing and research. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2009;19:255 The IJRI has been included in PubMed in the month of September 2009 and now has all issues of 2009. In this article the editor shares this news with readers (it is after all an achievement!) More importantly he stresses on the fact that authors who have been submitting high quality articles to foreign journals should now submit to the IJRI. Considering that the journal is available free online from 1999 onwards this makes a lot of sense. He also stresses on the need for students and residents to…
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Why should you publish in the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology?

Why should you publish in the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology?

Nayak BK. Why should you publish in the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology? Indian J Ophthalmol 2008;56:451-2 Dr. Nayak gives seven reasons why authors should publish in the IJO. We at QMed believe that Indian healthcare professionals should work together to ensure Indian publications reach a high standard. People should want to publish in Indian journals. We should reach a day, when Indians having publications in Indian journals get more weightage in various career evaluation processes. Appeared in QMedCONNECT, Vol 1, Issue 10, Nov 2008
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