Lecture: TNMC (BYL Nair Hospital). Event – Research Methodology Workshop for Faculty. Aug 14, 2013

Lecture: TNMC (BYL Nair Hospital). Event – Research Methodology Workshop for Faculty. Aug 14, 2013

Research Methodology workshops are being held pretty regularly in medical colleges. The Topiwala National Medical College, TNMC for short holds their share every year, both for PGs and for the faculty. I have been a regular invitee as a speaker for the last few years. This year, something was different. More about that soon. The hall had approximately 100 participants. While there were registered participants, the college had allowed other faculty and students to attend specific lectures they were interested in. The lecture duration was for 35 minutes (where I usually need about 70) but it only means less interactivity…
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Can you get me this article please?

Can you get me this article please?

This is one of the most regular pleas from students, academicians and doctors who do any kind of writing or even reading articles. They search PubMed, find a set of references and then "get stuck" for the full text.  I mention this in the Indian context, though I suspect this is true for any developing nation that does not have  HINARI privileges. A couple of weeks back I got a request for two articles from a young doctor who was working on a research project with a team. I checked the NUCSSI Union Catalog and told him that the articles he needed…
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