PRISMA-S: for Reporting Literature Searches in Systematic Reviews

PRISMA-S: an extension to the PRISMA Statement for Reporting Literature Searches in Systematic Reviews This is a journal article that provides a checklist of 16 reporting items for inclusion in reporting literature search resources and strategies. Each checklist item is detailed and includes examples, explanations and references.
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COPE: Committe on Publication Ethics

The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) provides advice to editors and publishers on all aspects of publication ethics. Authors and publishers. Membership is open to editors of academic journals and others interested in publication ethics. Editors and publishers can seek advice on how to handle cases of misconduct,  from COPE. While COPE will not directly investigate such cases, it provides advice and encourages editors to request the appropriate institution to investigate the case. The website also has a good number of flowcharts, guidelines and more, on publication ethics. For members there is a full fledged E-Learning tutorial. And there is more -…
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ICMJE: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

The ICMJE is a small group of Medical Journal Editors who work on recommendations for Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. These recommendations answer almost any questions regarding journal publications, authorship issues and lots more.
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