Indian Association of Medical Journal Editors

The IAMJE aims to promote cooperation among editors of Indian medical journals. The IAMJE e-Forum is an email discussion forum for members (and associate members). The aim of the e-Forum is to generate discussion amongst ourselves and to allow us to share our experience and information. (As on 16th May 2021 - the website has been down for a few days. We have put out an inquiry and will remove this notification if it is restored)
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WAME: World Association of Medical Editors

Established in 1995, WAME (pronounced “whammy”) is a voluntary association of editors of peer-reviewed medical journals from countries throughout the world. This group seeks to bring together medical journal editors, encouraging cooperation and enhanced learning. Membership in WAME is free and all decision-making editors of peer-reviewed medical journals are eligible to join. Membership is also available to selected scholars in journal editorial policy and peer review. WAME has more than 1900 members representing more than 1000 journals from over 9 countries
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