March 15, 2024: Founder Story – Spreading QMed’s Mission – Travel Challenges

Sharing a story from our Founder - the human experiences of her train travels, as she spreads QMed's mission When I conduct workshops in cities, most often I fly. We read a lot about flying woes these days – delayed flights and more. With train journeys, for me they are a wee bit more challenging as I get on in years. But my love for delivering lectures and conducting workshops all over India, makes me decide to accept most of these challenges! I am sharing the “good aspects” that I recently encountered, in the midst of challenges. In 2023, I…
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February 15, 2024: Founder Story – Interaction with Government Agencies

The year - 1996. I was the librarian of HELP – Health Education Library for People. Many in or from India may remember that Internet access became available to the public from August 1995. It was Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) that was the only Internet Service Provider then. (VSNL was a Government of India undertaking). Understandably there was a large waiting list for connections. Our library got its connection sometime in 1996, with what was then called the “Shell” account, (Unix based). A Shell account got us to see a black screen with white characters. No images, graphics, colours. This account…
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Feb 9, 2023: Founder story – Presenting the need for a curriculum change: Invited to speak to a group of doctors

Feb 9, 2023: Founder story – Presenting the need for a curriculum change: Invited to speak to a group of doctors

When in school, I wanted to study Medicine. I could not pursue this field, for a number of personal reasons. My family humorously mentions that I got into Medicine “through the back door”. That is true - my life has just evolved in this profession. To the extent that I recently had an opportunity to speak about introducing a change in the curriculum. A friend of mine - Dr Ravi Shankar, is an alumnus from my school. We have been in touch over years. He recently happened to read one of my LinkedIn posts highlighting an interesting article about ethics…
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