Students’ PEARLS: successfully incorporating evidence-based medicine in medical students’ clinical attachments.

Students’ PEARLS: successfully incorporating evidence-based medicine in medical students’ clinical attachments.

Stockler MR, March L, Lindley RI, Mellis C. ACP Journal Club. Students' PEARLS: successfully incorporating evidence-based medicine in medical students' clinical attachments.  Ann Intern Med. 2009 Apr 21;150(8):JC4-2, JC4-3.  The article describes an experiment with "PEARLS" - Presentations of Evidence Abstracted from Research Literature to Solve real peoples’ problems. The interesting fact is that while it is easier to teach EBM to qualified and experienced doctors, this experiment was done with students in training -the rationale being that a positive experience with a simple, efficient model for applying EBM in clinical practice would encourage subsequent use. PEARLS are 15-minute presentations given…
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Mentoring medical student research through studentships and fellowships: Reflections from India.

Mentoring medical student research through studentships and fellowships: Reflections from India.

Dangayach NS, Kulkarni UP, Panchabhai TS. Mentoring medical student research through studentships and fellowships: Reflections from India. J Postgrad Med 2009;55:152-3 The authors have shared some good ideas (based on experience) about improving prospects of research among medical students. We hope that authorities of medical colleges and bodies like the ICMR will take them up and that there will be a steady increase in the number of medical researchers in India. Appeared in QMedCONNECT, Vol 2, Issue 6, June 2009
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Why learn research methodology?

Why learn research methodology?

Nayak BK. Why learn research methodology? Indian J Ophthalmol 2009;57:173-4 Dr Nayak in his editorial in the current issue of the IJO, stresses that whether one does formal research or not, it is really important for all to understand research methodology. Stating that medical research is not given due importance in either the undergraduate or postgraduate curriculum, he explains that all doctors need to know about good research methodology at least to learn to differentiate between good research evidence and poor research evidence and to be able to decide which evidence to adopt for treatment and in practice.   Appeared…
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