In the last week of November we got an email from AIIMS Guwahati – one of our registered institutions. In the email they indicated that they wanted to provide access to our courses to their MBBS students. We were delighted.
Just as we were getting over the euphoria, on the next day we got a similar request from AIIMS Kalyani! Both institutions have mentioned that they would make the first two basic courses mandatory for all their MBBS students. Our delight just doubled!
We have been dreaming of the day when our courses are made mandatory right from the Undergraduate stage of all Health Science Courses. We have very often experienced that students studying at this level learn what we teach – literature searching & reference management – very easily. And we want all students to have this exposure so that their research orientation is that much easier. Even the youngest student who attended our workshops has mentioned “I wish I had learnt this earlier”!
And so… in end November, we had a first glimpse of the proverbial light, at the end of a tunnel!
The final large light that we wish to see at the end of the tunnel is when all institutions (medical, dental, nursing, physiotherapy and more) make these courses mandatory for their UG students.
We have just entered the first part of this tunnel and have a journey to go through.
On the 4th of December, I was in AIIMS Kalyani and had the pleasure of addressing the MBBS students who were just being registered. I explained some basics of searching and then gave them an orientation about our courses website. It was a great experience – a live session after more than a year. The students were interactive and enjoyed the session too!

And now we request you to share this message and our request with every medical college in the country! You could be a student or faculty, or you could know faculty in medical colleges. Do make that little extra effort – send them this link and talk about QMed Share it through social media ! Help us reach every medical college in the country!