Unity is strength

Unity is strength

You must have read this story as a child. About an old man who lived with three sons - all hard workers but fought all the time. The old man tried a lot to unite them but he failed. And finally decided to teach them a lesson. He made them break single sticks from a bundle and they could do that easily. Then he gave them a full bundle and they could break them only when they worked together. I now address all those who are registered for our ELearning courses, and have not worked on them. Do you remember…
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A little known PubMed search feature

A little known PubMed search feature

At the end of 2022 PubMed launched the "Proximity operator" feature. At the end of 2023, it would not be surprising to find that no one in India (or only a few) is aware of this. Proximity operators - available in most databases that we have to pay for, make searching much more relevant, when we search for terms like "Under developed countries". When we search these with the tags [ti] or [tiab], we are searching for the term as a phrase. When we search them with a proximity operator, then we are searching for the terms being near each…
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If we teach, you need to learn. And practice

If we teach, you need to learn. And practice

I am going through a course where I am getting mentored on several skills. In one of the sessions a participant asked the mentor "Can you help me do ......?" (She asked for a specific job she needed done) And the mentor answered: "I would love to do this for you. But I cannot DO your jobs for you. You need to learn, ask for help, practice and then do it. Only then will you be able to do things independently." I thought to myself - This is partially true for the skills of literature searching and referencing, and for…
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