January 2022
Greetings from QMed!. You are receiving this issue as we have your name in our mailing list. Just in case you need to unsubscribe for any reason, please scroll to the end of this page and cancel or edit your subscription You could book mark the page - www.qmed.ngo/newsletter on our website and check it out when you wish to. Anyone can subscribe to the newsletter from the same link. What do we have for you this month?
• Two blog posts from our founder
• Literature links on observances this month: World Braille Day, World Leprosy Eradication Day
• Useful resources: CMC Vellore Biostats, LifeArt by Fotosearch, Medmovie, Distiller SR
• Seven interesting articles that came into our alerts this month.
From our Blog - Our CEO's Posts
Vasumathi Sriganesh, in her blog posts this month talks about the exciting new offerings from QMed. We have introduced "Badges" for those who do well in our courses. On the qmedcourses.in website, we now display the latest "Resources" we have added into the "Resources for you" database. And we started mini webinars in January, twice a week. They have been going very well. We have also introduced a widget through which enrolled participants can book a consultation with us. Read the posts to learn more
We have introduced "Badges" for participants of our e-learning courses We are delighted to share that we have introduced "Badges" in our QMedCourses platform. These badges will be awarded to participants who have got great scores. We have also planned a badge for those who give constructive feedback that we could use to improve our courses. How will these badges help? Getting a colourful badge is fun. And participants will probably share it on social media and help promote learning. Those who have not yet completed the courses, might try to do their best to win badges. As for feedback - many tend to just write a single word or phrase - but what we look for is something constructive as well. Some have given really useful suggestions and rewarding such suggestions with a badge might motivate more people to give such inputs. About doing well - we encourage our participants to get the best scores by:
• Attempting the assessment more than once, in order to get the best scores
• Keeping the course site open in a different browser and checking specific videos before answering questions (like in an open book examination)
Read more.
Exciting new offerings from QMed! The yo yo situation with Covid is challenging in its own way. Difficult to plan any travelling. And for institutions it is the challenge of what activities can they do, always being in anticipation of a surge in Covid admissions and personnel allocation. For those enrolled in our courses, it is again something that takes their attention away from completing them. The New Offerings from QMed: Mini webinars: Starting January 2022 we are holding "Mini webinars" – events of 15 minutes duration, followed by interactions. We are holding them twice a week. Every Tuesday & Friday at 4 pm. We are covering the gist of our courses – all in a month. More information and registration details at www.qmed.ngo/courses/webinars Read more.
From our Social Media Posts- International Observances
The month of January had two observances. We searched PubMed for articles of interest in each of these areas. We have provided links to searches that we did on each topic. The search results retrieve reviews and systematic reviews that are available free. World Braille Day - 4th Jan - PubMed Results Our FB Post World Leprosy Eradication Day - 30th Jan - PubMed Results Our FB Post
From our Social Media Posts - "Do You Know?"CMC Vellore Biostats: CMC Vellore's courses by the Department of Biostatistics CMC Vellore's Dept of Biostatistics offers various training courses related to research and open to all healthcare professionals. The courses are mainly about statistics - in general or specific to the context of clinical trials, meta-analysis etc To know more, visit - https://cmc-biostatistics.ac.in/ Click the menu item Teaching & Training programs. You could write to the email address provided, for more details LifeArt by Fotosearch: Fotosearch is a royalty-free and rights-managed stock photography, illustration, map, video, and audio service. Fotosearch goods may be licenced and simply downloaded for use in advertising, promotional materials, websites, and so on. LifeArt, which is created by medical artists that specialise in computer artwork, is included. All graphics are detailed, and are suitable for use in slides, presentations, patient education materials, newsletters, and brochures. Images may be found under a variety of headings, including Cardiology, Super Anatomy, Nursing, Pediatrics, Veterinary Anatomy, and others. To know more, visit https://www.fotosearch.com/lifeart/ Medmovie: Medmovie turns medical and life science knowledge into accurate, understandable, and strategically targeted visual media. You can get custom animated media in a range of disciplines, including •Medical equipment •Procedural / surgical •Action mechanism •Molecular •Anatomical, and •Educational. The team will create the animations based on consultations with you about your project. Other than this, there are also other features like a stock media library which offers a host of pictures on topics like myoplasty, vasectomy, angioplasty, and more; To know more, visit https://medmovie.com/ DistillerSR: A useful tool for systematic review authors, DistillerSR automates the management of literature collection and more, using AI and intelligent workflows. DistillerSR simplifies project management and works to produce transparent, audit ready, and compliant literature reviews. To know more, visit https://www.evidencepartners.com/
From our Social Media Posts- Interesting Articles
Interesting articles that came up in our alerts this month:
1. Singh M, Prasad CP, Shankar A. Publication Charges Associated with Quality Open Access (OA) Publishing and Its Impact on Low Middle Income Countries (LMICs), Time to Reframe Research Policies. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2021 Sep 1;22(9):2743-2747. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2021.22.9.2743. PMID 2. Manjareeka M. Postgraduate student research publication and scientific misconduct: An Indian scenario. Educ Health (Abingdon). 2021 May-Aug;34(2):90-91. doi: 10.4103/efh.EfH_320_17. PMID 3. Indrayan A, Mishra A. The importance of small samples in medical research. J Postgrad Med. 2021 Oct-Dec;67(4):219-223. doi: 10.4103/jpgm.JPGM_230_21. PMID 4. Ali MJ. Predatory journals and conferences: Analysis of invitation emails from a single clinician-scientist's inbox. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2021 Dec;69(12):3389-3390. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_2277_21. PMID 5. Honavar SG. Ophthalmic research in India - Revolution in evolution. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2021 Dec;69(12):3385-3386. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_2914_21. PMID 6. Divecha CA, Tullu MS, Karande S. Published a research paper? What next?? J Postgrad Med. 2021 Oct-Dec;67(4):189-193. doi: 10.4103/jpgm.jpgm_348_21. PMID 7. Basheer A, Iqbal N, Prabakaran S, Simiyon M, Anandan V. Simulated Randomized Controlled Trial to Learn Critical Appraisal (SiRCA): A Randomized Controlled Study of Effectiveness Among Undergraduate Medical Students. Cureus. 2021 Nov 27;13(11):e19946. doi: 10.7759/cureus.19946. PMID
Lectures & Webinars this monthMini-Webinars this month:
• 04-Jan-22: Course I – Know Your Information Resources
• 07-Jan-22: Course I – Literature Searching
• 11-Jan-22: Course III – Focusing search results using MeSH
• 14-Jan-22: Course III – Narrow down search results
• 18-Jan-22: Course III – Narrow down search results
• 21-Jan-22: Course II – About References & Referencing
• 25-Jan-22: Course IV – Populating Mendeley
• 28-Jan-22: Course IV – Managing Duplicates and Adding Citations and Bibliography in an article
QMedCourses News January 2022: Badges Awarded to those who scored 100%
Rakshit Shah, NIOH; Divya Gunupuru & Niveditha Mamidi, NIPER Guwahati Doma Giri, Ashmita Pradhan & Meghna Pradhan, SMIMS. Course: Information Resources and Literature Searching
Roonmoni Deka, AIIMS Guwahati; Barkha Devi, Binita Khati, Doma Giri, & Hemkala Dhakal, SMIMS Course: Introduction to Referencing
Asif Muhammed, NIPER Guwahati Course: Mastering PubMed We also award badges to those who score 90% and above and for those who give useful suggestions that have helped us make a change
Testimonials for QMedCoursesCourse: Information Resources & Literature Searching
It helped me understand how to approach literature search. I was confused about meta- analysis and other forms of research papers. I understood how to find the appropriate articles for my research. It gave me a basic understanding of how to use PubMed. I liked how nicely the Boolean operators are explained. Khushboo Panchal, UG Student, HBT Medical College Course : Introduction to Referencing
Everything explained well. Support was provided very promptly. Issue was resolved. Simple explanation for all topics. Roonmoni Deka, UG Student, AIIMS, Guwahati Course : Mastering PubMed
It is very useful for understanding and exploring the features in PubMed of which previously I was not aware of. Many features of PubMed were demonstrated which could be really helpful in reference management. Dr. Himashree Bhattacharyya, Faculty, Department of Community & Family Medicine, AIIMS, Guwahati Course : Reference Management with Mendeley
There is clarity in the way everything has been explained. The simplicity and the sensible break up of the entire topic seems perfect. Dr. Manasi Bhattacharjee, Prof. & Head, Department of Physiology, AIIMS, Guwahati
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