Publons. Wouldn't it be amazing if we had one software to keep all our research material in place? The more scattered everything is, the more difficult it becomes for us to keep track of the work we have done! Organization is an important criteria for success, and today, we are sharing a platform that can help you achieve just that! Say hello to Publons! Publons is the a web-based platform that allows you to keep track of your publications, citation metrics, peer reviews, and journal editing work all in one place. It's quick and simple to keep up with, and can be used as proof of your research outputs, and provides valuable insights into your publication and review history. To know more, visit FB Post
MedRxiv is a website that delivers unpublished eprints in the field of health sciences. It provides unpublished papers in the fields of medicine, clinical research, and allied health sciences to readers at no cost. medRxiv has been a significant avenue for the distribution of COVID-19 research. Authors may submit an updated version of their article to medRxiv at any moment prior to acceptance for publishing in a journal. Manuscripts are accessible, substantiated, and searchable by many search engines and third-party services once they are uploaded on medRxiv, and they cannot be deleted. medRxiv has also been indexed in PubMed from February 2020. Google scholar may also be used to locate articles. To know more, visit FB Post
OSF is a free, open platform to support your research and to help you collaborate with others in the world. You can search for published papers, grey literature - conference presentations, preprints, trial registries and details of research being done in specific institutions. While doing your research you can store your data and any other details in OSF. Every item you store gets its own link – and you can ensure that you do not lose any file. You can look for collaborators and share your files. You can collect and analyze data in OSF. You can publish your research as a preprint. And you can measure your research impact from this stage itself – by measuring downloads and view counts. For more, visit FB Post
The NEI Media Library is a free multimedia library created by National Eye Institute. The collection offers entertaining, scientifically correct eye health pictures and films. All of the pictures and movies in the collection are free for use. Anybody may use them for free in health campaigns, publications, and other health-related items in print or online as long as they give NEI credit, and commercial usage is not permitted. You may even contact them if you're searching for a particular picture or video, and they may be able to add it to the collection. We found this intriguing! For more, visit FB Post
SciRide Finder - is a novel search tool that does not search the full text or metadata - the areas that most search engines do. Instead SciRide Finder is a facility where the "searched area" or the "search corpus" (as it has been called) - is only the Cited Statements in a publication. Cited statements are sentences (or short paragraphs) that authors quote or paraphrase from other publications. These areas obviously contain condensed information from other research publications. The results of a SciRide Finder search are presented as a list of Cited Statements with the respective reference from which the statement was cited. SciRide Finder searches only full text resources and hence only PubMed Central Open Access articles. This method can of course be used for any full text database. The idea behind searching Cited Statements is that it offers researchers a deeper searching experience. To learn more about SciRide Finder - here is an article from Nature - FB Post
Public Health Information Library- Often, healthcare information is based on visual interpretations—diagrams and representations that provide us with the data we need. The Public Health Image Library provides access to images from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Public health professionals, and others can use access this for reference work, teaching, presenting, and public health messaging. Quick Search, Image ID Search, and Advanced Search are all available. There are additional search suggestions to assist you in doing quick and advanced searches. Learn more at FB Post
NCI Visuals Online - Visuals Online from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has a range of photos and illustrations that can be used by health professionals. Visuals Online presently has more than 3000 pictures available. Most of the pictures in this collection are in the public domain and not protected by copyright. A public domain picture is free to use and reproduce. However, ALL reprinted pictures should credit NCI as the author, source, and/or source of the image. To know more, visit FB Post
NLM Visual Human Project. We found this topic to be so interesting! The NLM Visible Human Project has produced three-dimensional, anatomically accurate renderings of a human male and female body that are publicly accessible. A public-domain collection of cryosection, CT, and MRI images taken from one male corpse and one female cadaver is made available by the VHP. From 2019, you do not need a license to access the images, and can download them from the website! It is a great reference for the study of human anatomy. To know more, visit FB Post