Our year end issue
Welcome to our December issue.
This year has been tough for everyone, and yet many have gone through lots of learning and productivity. At the end of the year, we are happy to share three learning options for you. Just note these down and learn when you can.
In this issue:
Think, Check, Submit: Often people have this question - "Where do we submit the article that we are working on?" We found this source that teaches us a lot about making this decision - Do read up about Think, Check Submit, listed below.
CTRI: Heard of the Clinical Trials Registry of India? It was created to ensure that all research results emanating from clinical trials would be available to India and the world. But apparently we need more of teaching, motivation and mandates to ensure this happens. Read an interesting article about this.
Our CEO's inputs: "Getting literature is easy - everything is available at a click of the mouse" . Really? Our CEO demystifies this and assures you that you are not alone when you struggle!
Course - Introduction to Referencing: We are happy to share that we launched a new free course this month - "Introduction to Referencing". Do visit www.qmedcourses.in - check out the course.
Importantly do share it with others. When you share the information, you are helping promote these skills across the country! A much needed action.