QMedCONNECT: Highlights of December 2020

Our year end issue 

Welcome to our December issue.

This year has been tough for everyone, and yet many have gone through lots of learning and productivity. At the end of the year, we are happy to share three learning options for you. Just note these down and learn when you can. 

In this issue

Think, Check, Submit: Often people have this question - "Where do we submit the article that we are working on?" We found this source that teaches us a lot about making this decision - Do read up about Think, Check Submit, listed below. 

CTRI: Heard of the Clinical Trials Registry of India? It was created to ensure that all research results emanating from clinical trials would be available to India and the world. But apparently we need more of teaching, motivation and mandates to ensure this happens. Read an interesting article about this. 

Our CEO's inputs: "Getting literature is easy - everything is available at a click of the mouse" . Really? Our CEO demystifies this and assures you that you are not alone when you struggle! 

Course - Introduction to Referencing: We are happy to share that we launched a new free course this month - "Introduction to Referencing". Do visit www.qmedcourses.in - check out the course. 

Importantly do share it with others. When you share the information, you are helping promote these skills across the country! A much needed action. 


Choosing a journal to publish your paper? Try "Think Check Submit"

Choosing a journal to publish your paper? Try "Think Check Submit"

Which journal should I submit my paper to? That is a question that very often appears in the minds of those who attempt writing. First time writers often know very little about choosing a journal. It is not easy either.

Some points to ponder are: -

Who is your article really useful for? Research on a tropical disease is less likely to be useful for an American audience. A journal that has a larger circulation in tropical countries makes more sense as a choice.

Read more.

Interesting Articles

Conducted a Clinical Trial in India? It maybe Yes and No!

The mystery of India’s missing clinical trial results
Shreya Dasgupta. BMJ 2020;371:m4835

Around eleven years ago  India had made a very welcome move - it was mandatory to register every clinical trial, in a national registry. The CTRI or the Clinical Trials Registry of India, created in 2007,  would then have a database of every trial registered, its progress at various stages and its results. The researchers could also link the registration record to a paper when it was later published in a journal.

We thank Denny John - Adjunct Assistant Professor at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kochi, Kerala,for getting this article to our notice

Read more.

Do not wait any longer!

Do not wait any longer!

Everything is at one's finger tips today. Getting literature is easy, appraisal is the tough task. Search PubMed - you get all medical literature

These are perceptions of a large number of health professionals - and these are "facts" they tell students. At the receiving end, students who (obviously) accept everything that a senior says, believe these statements. And many often wonder if they are "unique" - in their inability to search and find results easily.

Worse still - are the statements - There are several tutorials on the net - on searching PubMed. In fact, the PubMed site itself has enough tutorials

We at QMed have one question. PubMed has been available free to anyone since 1997. Even if you discount the first couple of years - between 2000 and now - that is more than twenty years. If there are so many adequate tutorials online, why do we not have enough PubMed experts in the country? Forget experts - why do most not know several basics?

Read more.


Lecture Webinars

Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences, Karad

Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences, Karad

Date: 09-12-2020
No of participants: 95

Maharashtra University of Health Sciences

Maharashtra University of Health Sciences

Date: 08-12-2020
No of participants: 35

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College Puducherry takes QMedCourses! 

This month SMVMCH Puducherry joined the group of institutions taking access to QMedCousres. This institution has earlier had us conduct workshops for them - for PGs & faculty  and has also had our workshops as part of their UG conferences

We look forward to great involvement from them! 


Testimonials Received for our Online Courses

Course: Information Resources & Literature Searching 
Wonderful program. UG/PG students, research scholars, faculties must do the course. Excellent presentation by the faculty. Prasanta Kumar Mitra, Faculty, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences

Course : Introduction to Referencing
I had recently done a Literature Review on my own. But having watched these lessons, I now feel I have made so many mistakes while referencing. I am highly grateful for these video lectures. Bhavya Kansal, UG Student, Lady Hardinge Medical College

Course : Mastering PubMed
A very concise and to the point courses. It has definitely made me understand how to use PubMed in a better and intelligent way. Looking forward to many more courses in the future. Chedup Lepcha, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences

Course : Reference Management with Mendeley
An awesome course with all concepts made crystal clear. Loved it. Vishnu Priya S, Doctor in Public Health Dentistry. 


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