QMedCONNECT: Highlights of March 2019


From our Founder's Desk


Soups and inhalers to create ELearning courses!

Soups and inhalers to create ELearning courses!

I got you there didn't I? What on earth do soups and inhalers have in the creation of ELearning courses? As it turned out it was quite a lot.

In February Manasa from Mediknit and I had a meeting. We decided that we should plan to quickly add two more courses on our ELearning site, so that we had a better offering for all those who subscribed. Which means that those who were already enrolled instantly got access to three courses! And of course new registrants also did.

We fixed the dates for recording the courses, for March 20th to March 22nd. I booked my tickets to be in Bangalore on those dates. I got the presentations ready. But, shortly before these dates, I caught a cold and cough. What started mildly got a little worse each day. And... on the 20th of March, my voice would not emerge! My lovely friends at Mediknit - Manasa, Divya and colleagues decided that the recording would happen - come what may! And made a master plan.

On the 20th, we completed the screen-captures. I was pampered with hot fluids, lozenges and more (in addition to my medication). On the 21st my voice was once again audible. The recordings started on the 21st morning. At the start of each each video, I was first made to drink warm water or some soup. And twice (maybe three times) I had to do steam inhalation too!

At the end of the three days, the PubMed Advanced and the Mendeley - were all done! And that - my friends is the connection between hot soups, steam inhalation and ELearning courses :)

We are eager to get the courses up and ready on the site for you to learn more. Don't forget, that apart from learning, you can interact with us for any difficulties and problem solving needs!

The message in this post is - If I could record sessions with so many constraints, I really mean to do a lot for you.

And if Mediknit could make so many arrangements to ensure that the recording happened, they too will do all they can to help. We want these courses to help you!

Do visit https://www.qmed.ngo/e-learning/ and register!

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From our Blog

Short Course in Biostatistics & Epidemiology for Clinical and Public Health Research using SPSS- April 23-April 26, 2019

Short Course in Biostatistics & Epidemiology for Clinical and Public Health Research using SPSS- April 23-April 26, 2019

The Department of Biostatistics at Christian Medical College, Vellore is organizing a Short Course in Biostatistics & Epidemiology for Clinical and Public Health Research using SPSS. 

The objective of this course is to convey the fundamentals and importance of Biostatistics & Epidemiology in the field of health science. The focus will be on concepts in biostatistics & epidemiology, and to perform the computations involved in commonly used statistical techniques using SPSS software. This course is intended for clinicians, nurses, epidemiologists, psychologists, physiotherapists, biochemists, statisticians, social scientists, PhD students, and public health researchers.

For more information Click here https://www.cmc-biostatistics.ac.in/eventdetails.php?id=360

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Open Access Button

Open Access Button


Having difficulty in accessing full text of published
research articles due to paywalls? Well, Open Access Button is an application that helps you to get free access to full text articles and legally too. One can either get access instantly wherever possible or request the author for a copy of the article through this application. They provide a button which can be installed on the user’s browser
for quick use.

The principle behind this application is that research outputs that are publicly funded should be made available free of cost to the public as well as to the other researchers working in those areas.

The application navigates through various repositories and aggregators to locate full text articles and gives you access to the same through a link. It searches bibliographic metadata across the web to locate open access versions of various articles.

Find more about the various features of this application in this link https://openaccessbutton.org/about

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Quest, Pune

Quest, Pune

Date: 09-March-2019
Topic: PubMed Basics
Participants: 33

Out of 33, one was aware of Boolean operators. None had heard of Mesh, Fields or Single Citation Matcher

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Quest - Mumbai

Quest - Mumbai

Date: 01-March-2019
Topic: PubMed Basics
Participants: 27

Out of 27, one was aware of Mesh and Boolean operators. No one knew about Single Citation Matcher and Field searches

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Journal of Post Graduate Medicine, Mumbai, India

Date: 23-March-2019
Topic: Literature Search
Participants: 140

In all about 8-10 people said they had heard of / learned about Mesh, Boolean operators, Fields and Single Citation Matcher, earlier. All others said they learned it for the first time at this lecture, or from one of our previous lectures they attended

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Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Hearing Handicapped

Date: 01-March-2019
Topic: Critical Appraisal
Participants: 28

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Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Hearing Handicapped

Date: 01-March-2019
Topic: Literature Search
Participants: 28

None knew about Mesh, Boolean operators, and Single Citation Matcher. Three knew about Fields. All agreed about the  `need to include this in the UG curriculum

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March 2019

We recorded two more ELearning courses this month – “Mastering PubMed: Advanced” and “Reference Management with Mendeley”. We hope to add these to the ELearning site very soon!
Vasumathi delivered three lectures and conducted two workshops this month. Our honorary team member Ms Parvati Iyer retired at the end of March 2019. We wish her the very best

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We conducted our 235th workshop, this – in Pune, for UG students of the Quest program


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