November 2023
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What do we have for you this month?
- Useful article
- Our Lectures & Workshops
- QMedCourses News & Testimonials
From our CEO
During the challenge, (Oct 19 - Nov 17) we raised about Rs 4.6 lakhs.
And we got matching donations of approximately Rs 70,000/-.
A huge big THANKS from QMed to you!
As you know we had set a target to raise Rs 15 lakhs. We had planned to utilize Rs 7 Lakhs for MBBS students who will be going for the ICMR STS program, providing them with access to QMedCourses. We wanted to support 12 small institutions with our courses and mentoring. And a similar activity for 15 Systematic Review authors Having raised about Rs 5 lakhs right now, we will start with the ICMR STS project. We plan to write to ICMR and request them to share this message with all students selected for the project. We have extended the campaign page - till 31st March, 2023 to raise the full 15 Lakhs that we wished to raise. Some of you who could not donate earlier (for good reasons, we know) can still help. And each one of you could spread our message. We hope to show you good results with all that we want to achieve!
From our Social Media Posts - "Useful Article"
- Plagiarism is a major issue in scientific research in Asia and it's caused by a variety of factors such as a lack of training in scientific writing, publication pressure and weak regulatory measures.
To address this problem, researchers need better training in scientific writing and an understanding of different types of plagiarism. Check out the complete article on this topic here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36974397/ Our foundation is committed to offering in-depth courses on literature searching and scientific writing to help researchers develop the necessary skills to promote ethical research practices. To learn more about our courses, visit www.qmedcourses.in
Lectures, Webinars & Workshops
- 04th Nov – Literature Searching & Referencing – Webinar for UG students of Foundation For Excellence
- 23rd Nov – Literature Searching & Referencing – Lecture at YMT Dental College
- 07th Nov – Literature Searching & Referencing – Workshop at AIIMS Bathinda (under the THIRST for AIIMS project supported by an Educational Grant from Pfizer)
Don't miss our Social Media posts on all these workshops!
QMedCourses News
Regional Medical Research Centre, Bhubaneswar (ICMR Centre) – renewed their access to QMedCourses for the fourth year. Foundation for Excellence took subscription to QMedCourses
Courses Statistics: Individuals Joined - Around 258
Currently we have participants including 16 institutions and 1586 individuals registered for the courses
Testimonials for QMedCourses
Course: Information Resources & Literature Searching Succinctly captured all essential information required to start information searching in a systematic way. The systematic flow of lectures and the provision of mind maps was great. Swetha Muthu, Student, Kilpauk Medical College
Course : Introduction to Referencing I loved how quick the course is, and yet so thorough for an introduction. Vasumathi Ma'am makes everything sound so easy! Aalima Shabeeb, High School Graduate
How you can engage with us