September 2022
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What do we have for you this month?
- Two blog posts from our founder
- Literature links on National Nutrition Week, World Patient Safety Day, World Alzheimer's Day & World Heart Day
- Some useful articles
- Useful resources: CADTH & Grey Matters
From our Blog - Our CEO's Posts
This month Vasumathi Sriganesh has written blog posts about the importance of UG students learning research, literature searching and referencing. She comments about an interesting article on peer learning for researching too.
Medical Students and Peer Learning - Some Thoughts
As a child, in the 1960s, I had learnt the dance form Bharatanatyam for a few years. I used to go with some of my schoolmates for our evening classes. The dance master was a moody person - some days strict and almost angry; some days in a good mood. But one thing was sure - he was a great …
Teaching literature searching & referencing in the Undergraduate curriculum of health science streams
About a year back I had written a post - The AETCOM handbook has it! And that this handbook has a mention about "non-core competencies" that are highly desirable for an Indian medical graduate. Section 3.4.4: specifies that the Indian Medical Graduate must: “Demonstrate ability to search (including through electronic means), and critically evaluate the medical literature and apply the …
The month of September had four observances. We searched PubMed for articles of interest in each of these areas. We have provided links to searches that we did on each topic. The search results retrieve reviews and systematic reviews that are available free.
From our Social Media Posts - "Do You Know?
CADTH: Canada’s Drug and Health Technology Agency or CADTH is an independent, not-for-profit organization responsible for providing Canada’s health care decision-makers with objective evidence to help make informed decisions about the optimal use of drugs and medical devices in thier health care system. CADTH delivers evidence, analysis, advice, and recommendations to health care decision-makers so that they can make informed decisions. They collaborate with several Advisory bodies including patient groups to understand healthcare information needs and work at providing evidence based information. Check out: https://www.cadth.ca/
Grey Matters: CADTH's Grey Matters resource is a free online tool for finding health-related grey literature that are not published commercially and which may be inaccessible via bibliographic databases. Called "The Grey Matters tool" - it includes government information and reports that are not published commercially and that may be inaccessible via bibliographic databases. This tool documents the correct processes for searching grey literature, documents the search process and makes available the grey literature, for producing systematic reviews for evidence. Check out: https://greymatters.cadth.ca
From our Social Media Posts - Useful Articles
1. Bavdekar SB, Karande S. National Ethical Guidelines for biomedical and health research: Issues to ponder over. J Postgrad Med. 2022 Jul-Sep;68(3):125-128. doi: 10.4103/jpgm.jpgm_474_22. PMID: 35975346. Our FB Post
2. Gurnani B, Kaur K. Predatory journals: The dark side of publications. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2022 Aug;70(8):3144-3145. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_1053_22. PMID: 35918993. Our FB Post
Lectures, Webinars & Workshops this month
- 3rd Sep – Online workshop - Structured PubMed Searching
QMedCourses News
September 2022: Badges Awarded to those who scored 100% and for giving us suggestions that have helped us improve the courses / offerings
Nagarathna Poojary, coGuide; Dr Bheemas B Atlapure, AIIMS Guwahati
Course: Information Resources and Literature Searching
Dr Hanifa Akhtar & Dr Bheemas B Atlapure, AIIMS Guwahati; Dr. Rajani Gurung, SMIMS
Course: Introduction to Referencing
Dr. Nithin Prakasan Nair & Dr Bheemas B Atlapure, AIIMS Guwahati; Nagarathna Poojary, coGuide
Dr. Nithin Prakasan Nair, AIIMS Guwahati
Course: Reference Management with Mendeley
Testimonials for QMedCourses
Course: Information Resources & Literature Searching There were lot of confusion regarding Mesh terms. This video has given me clarity regarding MesH terms and its appropriate usage. Before this training, I was curious about how they mentioned search strategy in the article. I never grasped the significance of brackets or how to use boolean operators. There was no one to instruct, and I couldn't locate any information about it elsewhere. This course has enabled me to be more confidant. Shilpa S, Dept of Oral medicine and Radiology, Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Center.
Course : Introduction to Referencing Easing into the world of referencing, appropriately explaining its relevance and how to introduce reference managers. The self-paced nature of the lessons and the recap at the end of all lessons. Preeyati Chopra, UG Student, Government Medical College, Patiala.
Course : Mastering PubMed It provides the tutorial that PubMed themselves should have provided. It was comprehensive, and Ms. Vasumathi Sriganesh uses her large experience to avert problems before we ever encounter them in our search building strategy. The perfect tutorial for beginners and intermediate PubMed users. Shubhashis Saha, Department of Endocrinology, Christian Medical College Vellore
Course : Reference Management with Mendeley
In-depth understanding of Mendeley. Every practical doubt that would arise has been thought off and explained. Obuli Srinivasan Gurunathan, CoGuide. General Physician
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