June 2023
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What do we have for you this month?
- Two blog posts from our founder
- One useful article
- One Do-you-know
- Lectures & Workshops
- QMedCourses News & Testimonials
From Our Blog - Our CEO's Posts
This month Vasumathi Sriganesh shares her thoughts on how we have used ChatGPT. More importantly, how we have not used it! She also shares about the need to constantly upgrade ourselves by "sharpening our saws" and investing in ourselves to get new skills and improve existing ones
Sounds familiar? Yes - it is the 7th Habit - from Stephen Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". Covey emphasizes the need to sharpen ourselves from time to time. He describes an incident of a man continuously cutting the branches of trees with a saw. When another man suggests that he stops to sharpen the saw to …
How we use ChatGPT. And how we do NOT use it!
I first heard about ChatGPT fairly soon after it was open. It was fascinating. I tried using it in several contexts and had fun. Then my mentor asked me to attend a session by Peng Joon - an entrepreneur from Malaysia. I learnt some very interesting "how to's" from this session: Give prompts. Tell Chat GPT what you want. Make …
From our Social Media Posts - "Useful Articles"
- What is 'TREAT Journal Club'? A COVID-19 journal club was started at a hospital in Australia to help clinicians stay up to date with the rapidly growing research on the disease. Using the TREAT format, the club focused on relevant clinical questions and facilitated critical appraisal of research articles. The club led to changes in clinical practices and improved patient outcomes. The success of the club depended on close collaboration between academic staff and clinicians, and it encourages other hospitals to consider using a journal club to inform clinical decision-making. Read more: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36657798/
From our Social Media Posts - "Do You Know"
AI Text Classifier: OpenAI has recently released a web-based tool called "AI Text Classifier" that aims to detect whether a given piece of text was generated by an AI.
Lectures, Webinars & Workshops
- 1st June - Literature Searching – Lecture at YMT Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital
- 6th June – Literature Searching – Lecture at YMT Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital
- 26th June – Literature Searching – Lecture at APM’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion
QMedCourses News
Around 46 individuals joined our courses this month.
Currently we have 7696 participants including 11 institutions and 1422 individuals registered for the courses
Testimonials for QMedCourses
Course: Information Resources & Literature Searching
This course helps to understand the methods of literature searching and other aspects necessary while doing research or publishing an article in a simple and effective way. Its very well organised. The short videos enable us to complete without losing attention and the summary at the end of each video are perfect course for the novice. Bharadwaj Vedula, Tutor, Pathology, GITAM Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Course : Introduction to Referencing
Demonstrations and the examples given are excellent, also the assessment questions. I enjoyed the learning. Thanks a lot. Vijaya Gunjal, Dept Clinical Pharmacology, Seth GS Medical College
Course : Mastering PubMed
This course will help us do literature search in PubMed in a systematic way and also to have a backup of the searches done. It was taught in a simplified way. Viswakalyan Kolli, GITAM Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Course : Reference Management with Mendeley
The course is very useful to all the researchers. It is very much in detail. It was explained in minute detail in a very simplified language. Viswakalyan Kolli, GITAM Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
How you can engage with us