April-May 2023
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What do we have for you this month?
- Six useful articles
- QMedCourses News
- Lectures & Workshops
From Our CEO
I am very happy to announce that Pfizer gave us an Education Grant in April. With this, we will be delivering workshops and giving access to QMedCourses to ten AIIMS institutions. This major grant has come after 15 years of efforts from QMed and I am proud of our team that has made this happen.
In May, I conducted a workshop (the second after the pandemic) in the Ashok and Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy at the CHARUSAT University, Anand. The program went off very well. This institute now has access to QMedCourses and we hope that in the next year the students and faculty go through great learning.
This newsletter issue is a joint one for April and May. We do have months when it is a challenge to bring out all our communications and April-May were such months. We hope to get back on track once more now!
From our Social Media Posts - "Useful Articles"
- Medical authors have shared their thoughts on the current boom of AI in scientific research, including its potential benefits and risks. Read here, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=36960451%2C+36960444%2C+36841840%2C+36890525
- Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore successfully implemented a research methodology program in its UG curriculum 20 years ago. Check out their program structure and success story: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36742976/
- The author addressed the issue of the decline of publication & also highlights the importance of offering more publication opportunities and providing hands-on training in medical writing. Read more here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36793533/
- Plagiarism continues to flourish! "Check out this study on the effectiveness of ethics training in increasing awareness and sensitivity toward plagiarism in academia. Read here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36337369/
- Two Minutes More! Check out this useful article which provides tips on creating an engaging presentation within a time limit. Read here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36778623/
- Accelerate your systematic review process! Read this research paper from Cochrane Rapid Reviews Method on how to optimize your search strategy, select relevant sources & minimize errors. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37076268/
Lectures, Webinars & Workshops
- 4th May - Literature Searching & Referencing – Workshop at Ashok and Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy, Anand
- 16th May – Literature Searching & Referencing – Workshop at D Y Patil Medical College, Pune
- 18th May – Literature Searching – Lecture at KG Mittal Ayurvedic College
QMedCourses News
Ashok and Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy at the CHARUSAT University, Anand joins us for Institutional Access to our courses.
Around 22 individuals joined our courses in April and 37 individuals joined in May
Testimonials for QMedCourses
Course: Information Resources & Literature Searching
I understood how to search PubMed. It was very important as nobody teaches this. The explanation is very detailed and to the point. Teja Deshpande, Faculty, Pharmacology, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Pune
Course : Introduction to Referencing
Easy to access, simple and precise teaching style, student friendly. Ajoy Rai, Assistant Professor, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences
Course : Mastering PubMed
I give full marks to this course as I felt it will help me a lot in my future research endeavours. I liked the way the course was designed so that it can help us in our daily research needs. Vidya Sanapala, Assistant professor, GITAM Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Course : Reference Management with Mendeley
This course makes the life of researcher pretty easy. Easy to understand and very useful subject. Krishna Yerraguntla, Senior Resident, GITAM Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
How you can engage with us