From QMed’s Calendar
Talks/Consultative Meetings on Literature Search, Referencing, Citing;
1. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology (IJO) : About 12 participants attended this session. All of them (by a show of hands) indicated that they learned about MeSH (a thesaurus in PubMed) in this session and agreed that they needed hands on training for better learning.
2. MECOR 2016 : Sonia Buist - Director ATS MECOR says "We cannot think of doing MECOR in India without you"!
3. LTMMC (Sion Hospital): There were 38 participants - four faculty and the rest - PG students. Again - all of them gave the same feedback as in the IJO program
4. KRM 2016 - Lecture on "Copyright Clearance Centres, and Managing Copyright while supporting Full Text Requests"