QMedCONNECT Newsletter: April 2008


Dear friends,

Welcome to yet another issue of QMedCONNECT.  The QMed team is absolutely delighted to share with you that we conducted three training programs on "PubMed - Basics". The response was wonderful. Two were events that we organized - one at the Nehru Centre and another at NIRRH, Parel. The third was at Padmashree Dr. D Y Patil Medical College where we were invited to conduct the program

We are particularly grateful to the NIRRH, Parel, for giving us a facility to conduct our program at no charge. We would be happy if you or anyone you know can offer us a similar facility. Alternatively if you can help us find a low-cost facility, that will be fine too. We need space for about 35 participants, projection facility, arrangements for tea, coffee and biscuits, and preferably an air-conditioned hall. Do email us at info@qmedkf.org.in if you can help us with this.

I had the pleasure of participating in an excellent workshop - "2nd South Asian Regional Symposium on Evidence Informed Health Care" at CMC, Vellore.  I learnt a lot about the Cochrane Collaboration, Moving Evidence into Policy and Equity in Evidence for healthcare. As a librarian, I learnt a lot more about the Cochrane databases and through our training programs will definitely disseminate more about these soon!
One announcement at the workshop was disturbing - and this was about one of CMC's respected doctors Dr. Binayak Sen, being imprisoned in mid-2007 with an impending trial. We had a request on behalf of all doctors at CMC to sign a petition for his release. Ironically at the time of writing, there is a news item saying that Dr. Sen became the first South Asian to get the prestigious Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights in recognition of his work in the remotest areas of Chhattisgarh!
To learn more about Dr. Binayak Sen, please visit http://home.cmcvellore.ac.in/NewsLine/Dr.%20Binayak%20Sen.htm I personally hope that justice is delivered immediately!

Based on our piece on piracy in our last newsletter, Mr. Subramaniam Vutha of the Technology Law Forum emailed us saying - Congratulations on your fine work. You could consider a joint program with the Technology Law Forum on “piracy, plagiarism and fair use”. We are in touch with Mr. Vutha and plan to hold this event soon.

We invite ideas on making the newsletter participatory. Do write to us at info@qmedkf.org.in.
(Please do not hit the "Reply button")

Vasumathi Sriganesh


What we did- April 2008

Training Programs in April

In April 2008, we conducted three programs with a total of 79 participants - consisting of 2 UG students, 19 PG students, and the rest comprised medical librarians, medical practitioners, academicians, research faculty and people from the industry. A quick analysis of a "pre-workshop assessment questionnaire" on PubMed and Google from 56 complete quesionnaires revealed that 36% of answers were correct and 64% of answers were incorrect or marked "not sure". We believe that this is a good indicator of the need for training programs

The overall feedback was excellent with 66% of participants saying that the program exceeded their expecations, 100% declaring that they can do a better literature search after this training, 98% said they would recommend it to colleagues; and 73% of them saying that they would like to immediately attend the PubMed Advanced program whenever we hold it. Based on this w
e hope to hold a PubMed-Advanced program on the 25th of May, 2008. We will announce more Basics programs soon.


Participant quotes:

• "You are filling a big gap in our medical education and practice". Dr. Mohan Koppikar - Consultant Surgeon, Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai

• "Thank you very much! I am sure this course will render my future searches very fruitful" - Dr. Vijay Shetty - Consultant Anesthesiologist - Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai

• "Would like to associate and contribute to QMed Foundation in whatever little way I can" - Dr. J.S. Bapat - Consultant Anesthesiologist - Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai

• "I would like to help you in appraisal of Oncology related articles" - Dr. Rakesh Badhe - PG Student


Upcoming events and activities

We hope to conduct a PubMed Advanced training program on Sunday, 25th May. We have not finalized the venue yet. This program will be open to those who have undergone the Basics program. If any institution would like us to conduct a PubMed Basics program - please call us on 40054474/75 or email us at info@qmedkf.org.in


Participation in Workshops / Training programs

Vasumathi Sriganesh participated in the "2nd South Asian Regional Symposium on Evidence Informed Health Care" at CMC, Vellore. She attended a special session for librarians on the Cochrane Library & EBM resources. We are exploring the possibility of contributing / participating in the South Asian Cochrane Network activities in CMC.

Smita Srinivasan attended a hands-on workshop on NewGenLib an Open Source Integrated Library Management Software held at the SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore in February. Based on her training, we are exploring the use of this software for small libraries.


Coordination of the website of the Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology of India 

The journal JOGI - has got its issues archived back to 1950 and is revamping its website at www.jogi.co.in . We are coordinating the the website project with the developers of the website.

Computerization of the library of Foundation for Medical Research, Worli

 We have a one-year project for the FMR, Worli for computerizing their library catalog of approximately 5500 items, most of which are journal articles. In addition to creating their electronic catalog, we will be visiting them once a month during the year, to share our expertise, conduct training programs that they may need, and overall helping them achieve the most from their library computerization.



Forthcoming WHO events:

World No Tobacco Day - May 31, 2008

World No Tobacco Day is the only global event established to call attention to the impact of tobacco use on public health and reduce individual tobacco dependence.

On this occasion the Cancer Patients Aid Association has organized a skit/short play (3 to 5 minutes) competition for students from various colleges and groups across the city on 24.05.2008 at Taj Lands End (Bandra). The aim of this event is to make the youth, parents and the community at large aware of the dangers associated with exposure to deadly tobacco products. The CPAA looks forward to generating debate and initiating new ideas and creative solutions through the medium of plays.

More details : http://www.cpaaindia.org/activities/wntd-2008.htm


Article of the month:

The Lancet of April 5, 2008 (371: 1149-50) has an interesting article "EQUATOR: reporting guidelines for health research". It mentions that the quality of health-research reporting in journal articles is unsatisfactory, despite several efforts to improve the same, and develop guidelines for adherence. To remedy this, the UK National Knowledge Service provided the funding to start the EQUATOR project (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research). The EQUATOR network aims to be a focal point for providing resources and training for developing and implementing good guidelines for research reporting. The network will have its official launch meeting in June 2008 and will focus on finding solutions to improve the health research literature.
More details at http://www.equator-network.org/


IT Exemption for donationsSection 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act.

We have applied for this exemption and hope to get it very soon.


Quotes of the Month:

"He must have had a magnificent build before his stomach went in for a career of its own" - Margaret Halsey

"I have every sympathy with the American who was so horrified by what he had read of the effects of smoking that he gave up reading" - Henry G. Strauss, 1892-1974


Directory Of Indian Medical Sites(www.indianmedicalsites.in)

The Directory now has more than 1800 websites. There are two new categories - a) Guidelines published by the Govt of India and b) Guidelines published in Indian journals. We are constantly striving to update and improve the site. We seek volunteers and funding for our venture.


Copyright © QMed Knowledge Foundation – Trust registered with the Charity Commissioner Mumbai – Registration No: E-24663