Story: Pranab Chatterjee
Pranab is doing his final year of residency in Community Medicine. Here is Pranab’s story – after going through QMed’s lecture and workshops:
Good research questions exist right at the cusp on which current research is forming nebulous concept clouds. Naturally, if you are interested in finding the best ideas, and want to rub (proverbial) shoulders with the most happening crowd in a research niche; you need to find out where the “secret” party is happening. For my MD dissertation, I decided I would look at the mental and physical health of homeless men. Usually, MD students working on their theses allot a month or so for their review of literature, a large part of which is dedicated to basically locating, and poring over large segments of irrelevant publications to cherry-pick the few that “get stuck in the net” by chance.
I, however, needed just about a week to complete mine.
How did this happen? I attended a workshop by Vasumathi ma’am of QMed on Literature Searching. I went in, feeling quite sure I was doing it right!. But, by the end of the four-hour session, I was humbled. I realized till I attended the workshop, I had been using these amazing online tools much like a Palaeolithic man uses stone instruments!!