QMedCONNECT Newsletter: October 2014


Dear friends

We hope that this month of Deepavali – the Festival of Lights was wonderful for all of you. We hope and pray that the lamps have  illuminated our minds with  knowledge and the brightness they glowed with, will constantly dispel the darkness of ignorance.  As I was ruminating on the contents for the newsletter this month, I thought I was going to be saying that this was a relatively quiet month. But when I gathered the events from our calendar, I was pleasantly surprised to see that we had done quite a bit during this month too. Four lectures in Mumbai at Medical and Dental Colleges, were part of the MUHS Research Methodology workshops. I also managed to make time for one lecture at the Goa Medical College (sneaked into the middle of my short holiday)!

We conducted three workshops@QMed this month. That was really lovely. (I dream of the day when our daily calendar is filled with them). The most enjoyable was one with five students of Grant Medical College doing their III MBBS and also working for the ICMR STS projects. The enthusiasm of participants in a ‘UG students only’ event is always a notch above any other. I marvelled at the way they soaked in details and were quick at solving problems and asking questions (sometimes even before I taught some aspect).  Every such program confirms my feeling that literature searching and reference management must be taught at the UG level, so that when students enter their PG, they should actually look forward to their thesis, rather than feel that to be a burden.

This month we had Dr Manu Mathew – one of the Founding Members of INFORMER spend a few days with us at QMed. He gave us some very valuable inputs for our forthcoming E-Learning Courses. Manu was one of my early ‘students’ – he actually learned literature searching from me in a very informal thread of interactions, but gradually mastered a lot on his own. Having worked with the South Asian Cochrane Network & Centre and having completed his Masters in Public Health recently, he has had more opportunities to put his skills into practice. People like Manu make me believe that literature searching and reference management are skills that are embedded in some people and they soak the learning easily! There have been some others too – but I am mentioning Manu here because he has contributed to our work in the last few days. Thank you Manu!

Vasumathi Sriganesh


Story: Pranab Chatterjee

Pranab is doing his final year of residency in Community Medicine. Here is Pranab’s story – after going through QMed’s lecture and workshops:

Good research questions exist right at the cusp on which current research is forming nebulous concept clouds. Naturally, if you are interested in finding the best ideas, and want to rub (proverbial) shoulders with the most happening crowd in a research niche; you need to find out where the “secret” party is happening. For my MD dissertation, I decided I would look at the mental and physical health of homeless men. Usually, MD students working on their theses allot a month or so for their review of literature, a large part of which is dedicated to basically locating, and poring over large segments of irrelevant publications to cherry-pick the few that “get stuck in the net” by chance.

I, however, needed just about a week to complete mine.

How did this happen? I attended a workshop by Vasumathi ma’am of QMed on Literature Searching. I went in, feeling quite sure I was doing it right!. But, by the end of the four-hour session, I was humbled. I realized till I attended the workshop, I had been using these amazing online tools much like a Palaeolithic man uses stone instruments!!


Pranab Chatterjee


What we did – October 2014

I) Talks on literature searching / referencing /citing at  

• Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai  – for the Dept of Anesthesiology – Oct 6

• TNMC & Nair Hospital, Mumbai – for the Dept of Pharmacology – Oct 8

• TNMC & Nair Hospital, Mumbai – for the Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology – Oct 10

• Nair Dental College, Mumbai – Oct 16

• Goa Medical College, Goa – Oct 31 Read more on our blog

II) Workshops@QMed

    • PubMed Basics Workshop for a Nurse Academician

    • PubMed and Mendeley Workshop for five MBBS students 

    • PubMed Basics – for two MD students


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