Did You Know
JANE is an online tool programmed to help you tune your research needs, such as finding an appropriate journal to publish your work in. How does it do this?
All journals whose details are in PubMed are found in JANE, inclusive of all authors with publications in the last ten years. It includes PubMed records that have abstracts, have been published in the last ten years, and do not belong to categories such as comment, editorials, historical articles and the like.
When you paste the title or abstract of your planned article, it will match your document/ query to a host of other documents in PubMed to provide you with the best match for your area of interest. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that JANE will not display articles for which there has been no entry in PubMed in a one year frame. This is so that the records being displayed are ones which have been actively used.
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Interesting Article
Research Methodology Workshops- An Essential Need
Shrivastava M, Shah N, Navaid S. Assessment of change in knowledge about research methods among delegates attending research methodology workshop. Perspect Clin Res 2018;9:83-90.
In their article, Assessment of change in knowledge about research methods among delegates attending research methodology workshop, Drs. Drs. Manisha Shrivastava, Nehal Shah, Seema Navaid delve into what research methodology workshops aim to work towards and how the content of these workshops have a good influence in developing knowledge bases of participants.
Conducting research in today's age is a very important part of both academics and practice- and an area of which the methodology is still not clearly laid out. On reading this article, you will understand why these workshops are important, at-least until there is a formalized curriculum implementing the same as part of regular course structures. You might even be surprised at how students failed to answer certain questions both basic and important to research. So, do read on and you will be positively influenced to participate in more of these workshops to aid your research.
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You can find this article here.