Dear friends
A Happy New Year to all of you! At the end of 2017, I thought it would be nice to share a reflection of the year gone by. We delivered 34 lectures (some of which were guest lectures on themes), and conducted 23 workshops. As I always say, this was good, but we would like the number of workshops to be much higher - ideally around 50 a year. We started the 100 PGs initiative in Jan 2017, where we raised funds to subsidize workshops plus mentoring for 100 PG students for their theses. We have been able to finish the workshops for 47 so far, and still need to conduct them for more. Several factors contributed to the slow progress. One was the residents strike in March, then the availability of venues with good Internet connections, and the availability of PGs on days other than Sundays. We are hopefully working towards completing the numbers this year, at the earliest.
Other important events in 2017 were:
1. Two representatives from GlobalGiving, USA, where we raise funds for QMed, visited our office and also the KEM Hospital where the Dean, Dr Avinash Supe, some faculty members and students talked to them, and conveyed their appreciation of QMed's work.
2. I attended the Annual Conference of the Medical Library Association, USA which is an event for lots of learning and updates
3. I gave special lectures at an event organized by the BMJ, the Annual Conference of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and some more
4. QMeds's PubMed workshop went International - in collaboration with The Union, we conducted the first International Workshop at Mandalay, Myanmar
5. And finally, at the end of 2017, we incorporated the Danamojo - a payment solutions platform for Fundraising on our website. For Indian donors, the process of giving a donation is now really simple. One can donate using a debit or credit card, do a bank transfer or even have a cheque picked up - just by filling in details on the Danamojo platform. The debit and credit card options will work for International donors too, but we recommend that these donors use the GlobalGiving option.
Do go to our updated Donation Page to see both options. For those in India, do try the Danamojo option. You will make a fresh start in helping medical students and researchers learn about searching for evidence, for 2018
Vasumathi Sriganesh