From QMed's Calendar
Talks on Literature Search / Referencing & Citing at
• MUHS, Nashik- Sept 6
• Maharshi Dayanand College- Sept 9
• Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital-Sept 12
• YMT Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital- Sept 14
• Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College- Sept 22
• Vasantrao Pawar Medical College - Sept 23
Guest lecture
• Vasumathi Sriganesh gave a talk on "Online resources in social sciences " at the research methodology workshop, organized by Maharshi Dayanand College of Arts, commerce and science on the 9th of Sept. The event was held for M.Phil. & Ph.D. scholars and attended by about 30 scholars. The lecture focused on principles of literature searching and provided brief details about specialized resources in different disciplines.
Special lecture
• Vasumathi Sriganesh delivered a two hour lecture at the Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital on September 12. What was special about this? The invitation came from the UG Student Research Forum - a team dedicated to promoting research activities amongst undergraduate medical students and sensitising/educating them about research. Some of them had attended our workshop through Quest and took the initiative to have a lecture at their institution. In no time at all they got the event organized, and had a whopping audience of 130 UG students! Subsequently the organizing team reported that they had many inquiries from students about how they could do small research projects. That was indeed encouraging! The organizing team - Aditya, Dyuti and friends add that they could not do this without the support of the SRF Faculty, Dr. P.S. Chawla - Head Community Medicine Dept, Dr. R.S. Bangal - Dean and Dr. A.V. Bhore - Medical Director. We at QMed are also very grateful for the support of the faculty and authorities!
• 100 PGs Workshop # 10 - We conducted this for two PG students on the 17th of September