QMedCONNECT Newsletter: February 2017


Dear friends 

At the end of February, we just got the news that Dr Eugene Garfield a pioneer in many areas of Information Sciences passed away at the age of 91. As a student of Information Sciences and as a freshly qualified librarian, I used to read his works with awe - wondering how one could be so brilliant! The Essays of an Information Scientist and his other columns in "Current Contents" - were publications I read with reverence. 

Any student dreams of meeting one's hero. And I guess this is one part of us where we don't grow up. So when I got to meet Dr Garfield in person in the year 2013, on a day when I won an International Award and the day happened to be my birthday, it was like a triple bonus! How can one forget such days. And then came the icing on the cake. In September in the same year, QMed started its crowdfunding activity on the GlobalGiving platform, and Dr Garfield generously gave us $500!

I think that it is the blessings of such people that keep us going and I hope he continues to shower his best wishes on QMed and all its beneficiaries. After all, we all love the same domain - "Information Sciences" 

Vasumathi Sriganesh

Vasumathi with Dr Garfield and his wife at a get together for Award Winners 
at the MLA Annual Meeting, 2013


Did You Know

Wellcome Images


Wellcome Images is one of the world's richest and most unique collections. While it covers several subjects, it definitely has images in medical history,contemporary healthcare, biomedical sciences and more. To be specific, the collection includes images of clinical conditions, medical equipment, diseases, light microscopy, Xrays, MRI - right up to the latest - 3D printing. 

To know more - first read the About Us section in the website and then search and find all that you need! Lots of images are free to use under the Creative Commons License. The terms of use overall are available in the Services section of the website.


Interesting Article

Srivastava TK, Waghmare LS, Rawekar A, Mishra VP.
Fostering Educational Research among Medical Teachers: Evaluation of a Faculty Development Program in India
J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Dec;10(12):JC09-JC11. PMID: 28208883

There is almost always a discussion on how we lack a research culture in India. And that faculty need to instill such a culture in students. This article talks about the MCI initiative - a one year Faculty Development Program that was started in 2014. The article is an evaluation study at one of the ten nodal centres that run this program. The authors mention that 32.5% of faculty who went through this program, undertook new research projects, on completion of the program. That is good news and indicates that more FDP programs need to be conducted in the years to come.


From QMed’s Calendar

Talks on Literature Search / Referencing & Citing at

• Pharmatech at KEM Hosptial - 9th Feb

• Research Methodology workshop organized by the PSM Dept, KEM  - 20th Feb

• Research Methodology workshop at the ESI-PGIMSR - 25th Feb


The 100 PGs project: (For more details - click here)

• Mastering PubMed & Reference Management with Mendeley, at Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital -  5th Feb & 18th Feb. Seven PG students attended each of the workshops 

A workshop for UG students at Swaasthya - TNMC & Nair Hospital

• Swaasthya is a conference for UG students, organized by the TNMC & Nair Hospital. Among several preconference workshops one was "Research Toolkit" and QMed's Mastering PubMed & Reference Management with Mendeley  was a part of this workshop. This was held on 15-Feb-2015, and 50 very eager UG students enjoyed the session.

A collage of pictures from workshops conducted on different dates, for the 100 PGs project


Above: UG students who participated in the Preconference workshop -
"Research Toolkit"


At the "Kumbh Mela" for PG students of Pharmacology - PharmaTech - an event that takes place at KEM Hospital every alternate year 


QMed Participates 

 On Feb 3, Vasumathi was invited to the Somaiya group of institutions to brainstorm with their librarians about  having events to help every librarian promote their library to their users. The librarians were a very enthusiastic lot and discussed plans with enthusiasm. Events should start happening in a couple of months time. 

Brainstorming session with librarians of the Somaiya Institutions - Feb 3, 2017


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