QMedCONNECT Newsletter: October 2016


Dear friends 

In our September newsletter, we mentioned about our Fundraising effort through Impact Guru. We are delighted to share that we raised nearly Rs. 300000 during the week of Oct 2-8 (Daan Utsav). Thanks to everyone who donated or at least  had good wishes for us, during this campaign. There is still more exciting news - during this week there was a friendly competition between 20 select NGOs. And in this competition - QMed got the maximum number of donors and the second highest amount collected! As a result we got a bonus of $400 for the maximum donors and a bonus of $250 for the second highest amount. This bonus was given by GlobalGiving, USA , which partnered with Impact Guru for sponsoring this prize. (After the Daan Utsav event ended, we were permitted to continue our campaign till the 6th of November, and we have raised about Rs. 3,17,000 till now)

We will be using the funds raised on Impact Guru to train and mentor 100 PG students with the literature search and reference management for their theses. 

The other very exciting event of October was that we had a collaborative workshop with The Union. This was a two day event - one day for PubMed and one day for a Reference Management software. We conducted the workshop on PubMed and Faculty from The Union conducted the second day's sessions. All of us guided and mentored four participants each, both during the sessions and then later when the 20 participants had a fairly tough assignment to complete and submit a couple of weeks later. This has been a landmark event and an excellent collaboration too. Special thanks to Dr Ajay Kumar and his colleagues at The Union, India. 

I have to share with mixed feelings that our Program Associate Ms Lakshmi Padmnabhan has left our services at the end of October. To quote her feelings - she has promised that she will always have QMed in her heart. We wish her the very best for her future. 

Vasumathi Sriganesh


From our Blog

Digital Collections of the National Library of Medicine, USA

The National Library of Medicine (NLM), USA – “Digital Collections” a free online resource of biomedical books, still as well as moving images. Unless mentioned specifically, the content is totally free. The coverage of items is from – hold your breath – before 1600! 

There is such a range – from tropical disease motion pictures, to 1000s of still images, books to download, World War I stuff, Unique English imprints of pre 1800 and more. 

Read more on our blog post


Did You Know

Finding full text articles

The QMed website has a page with tips on finding full text journal articles that may not be marked free in PubMed / indexing sources. Do check out this page http://www.qmed.ngo/full-text-articles/ and the way you can get articles will change. Do be aware that some articles will be available to us only in the scanned format; the whole world is not yet digitised.


Interesting Reading

Evdokimov P et al. 

Use of scientific social networking to improve the research strategies of PubMed readers.

BMC Res Notes. 2016;9:113.

PubMed PMID 26892337

Keeping up with journal articles on a daily basis is an important activity of scientists engaged in biomedical research. Usually, journal articles and papers in the field of biomedicine are accessed through the Medline/PubMed electronic library. In the process of navigating PubMed, researchers unknowingly generate user-specific reading profiles that can be shared within a social networking environment. This paper examines the structure of the social networking environment generated by PubMed users. Do read the full paper - it does sound exciting!

To see a collection of articles we have covered earlier, click here


From QMed’s Calendar

Talks on Literature Search / Referencing & Citing at

• Seth GSMC / KEM : 5th Oct 2016

• Grant Medical College: 14th Oct 2016

• Rotaract Club of the Caduceus: Mumbai 24th Oct 2016

Our blog post carries a few details about these lectures

A collaborative Workshop with The Union (formerly IUATLD) 

• Held at AIIMS, New Delhi, this was a workshop for 20 selected participants, majority being faculty from medical colleges from all over India: 15th & 16th Oct 2016


QMed Participates 

Vasumathi Sriganesh attended a session on Board Governance (for NGOs) on the 19th of October. Organized by the Centre for Advancement of Philanthropy (CAP), it helped around 30  NGO founders / senior members to revisit the entire framework of what exactly an NGO Board should be all about. Doubts about the legal vs the governance related needs were thrashed out. Roles and responsibilities of board members were discussed. The interesting bit was that there was a great balance between presentations by the two main resource people from CAP - (Noshir Dadrawala & Meher Gandevia) and exercises for every group to work at.

QMed does hope to increase its board members in a few years to come, and these workshops help to plan such moves. 


From our Picture Gallery

 Pictures from the workshop conducted by The Union in collaboration with AIIMS and QMed


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